Your Guaranteed Invitation to the Lint Ball
All my ideas are balled up in my sweaty palm dangled before the cart. I keep on moving, pretending they'll be used in a future art project or story, until found wasting away in the corner like dust bunnies with carrot breath, consumed but ultimately useless.
Attempting to concieve a child through science with my partner, both working 40 hrs+ a week, bombarded by holidays. Pardon the construction as I turn up the heat, the lint tray should pluck out some good sh*t that's been pillaging my brain.
Attempting to concieve a child through science with my partner, both working 40 hrs+ a week, bombarded by holidays. Pardon the construction as I turn up the heat, the lint tray should pluck out some good sh*t that's been pillaging my brain.
SVH: Recap Volume 4 (They Play Powerfully)
This is the MOST gay of all the covers, and confirms my theory that in fact Jessica is in love with herself through her twin sister Elizabeth. There is something playful in Elizabeth's expression, but Jessica is oddly serious, lips wet with desire... this cover reads as a porn magazine. I think subconsciously it did for me, two decades ago!
So here's the gay plot. If you recall in volume 3, Jessica was teasing Robin and leading her on, letting her do all her chores for her etc. Now if you didn't know this already, quite often very attractive repressed lesbians will take an 'ugly' under their wing, enjoying the female attention, without arousing any suspicion, because no decent looking girl would ever be involved with such an 'ugly'. (See ug/oh theory). Also, harassing and being cruel to an unfortunate would make Jessica feel better about herself because her inner soul is a hollow shell, so she gets great joy from seeing Robin suffer from the hazing process.
By the way, weirdoville with this whole sorority thing. I know there were exclusive clubs in high school, but never a sorority. That's in college, Pascal. But I see where she was going with this. How else could she set up a pattern of exclusivity other than the most snobby 'exclusive' cult, that of the sorority?
Of course, Robin is blinded by love, so she goes through with all these lame ass hazing stunts, like having to run around a track (egads!) and go to the beach in a bikini (I would NEVER have done this one- this is where Robin is a MORON). She finally catches on when Elizabeth of all people talks Bruce into taking Robin to the dance. Because she wasn't explicit enough that he actually had to be her date ALL night, he dumps her off with a QUEEN MARY (How freaking gay! Of all the fatty jokes, Queen Mary?!?) joke. So anyway, Robin finally catches on that they have been making fun of her, and Jessica has personally betrayed her.
Robin begins to act suicidal (Hello- gay teens are more likely to commit suicide! Serious subject!) because she was so into Jessica and feels betrayed. She should, Jessica freaking BLACKBALLS her. Hee hee, black ball.
Robin disappears to a fat camp, then returns running voluntarily around the track, and a day or two or more go by before Elizabeth notices that Robin has begun to loose weight.
Jess gets all furtive here, and I know they are trying to spin it that she feels guilty, but what most folks don't know is that she feels guilty because she got her kicks off the poor girl, and she's freaked out that Robin will blow her cover.
They'd always talked about what a pretty face Robin had, so when boom Robin's skinny (gee if it were only that easy) her ass is a hot ticket. Now I must say that Robin was an accidental gay with Jessica, as her 'ugly'. She is not gay, and now that she is attractive the world is her oyster, so to speak.
As SVH is the most screwball high school ever, they are having a beauty contest, and Jessica looses to Robin. Not because Robin told everybody Jess is gay, she didn't need to. Everybody has that sixth sense with these kinds of girls, and Jess is treated like a pariah for awhile, along with the rest of the sorority girls, not for their cruel hazing, but because of a BLACK BALL.
The side plot involves Lila. I never noticed how the first few books show very little of Lila. Of course, Lila has a daddy complex and is a shoplifter to get his attention. I won't say how many lesbians I met who were in this position in high school. The weird thing is, she gives all her loot to Jessica, who of course thinks Lila bought it all for her, because of course she thinks everybody's in love with her. Although it would be hot if they got together.
It is as if the 'Ugliness' of having an overweight character was too much to bear for the beautiful world of Sweet Valley. That's the only reason I can come up with as to why Pascal did what she did to Robin. Holly shit, according to the standards of Frannie at six feet tall and a size twenty I'd be a beast. This whole Power Play is truly a struggle between Elizabeth and Jessica, because the entire world revolves around them, even the life and death of a fattie.
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