Your Guaranteed Invitation to the Lint Ball

All my ideas are balled up in my sweaty palm dangled before the cart. I keep on moving, pretending they'll be used in a future art project or story, until found wasting away in the corner like dust bunnies with carrot breath, consumed but ultimately useless.
Attempting to concieve a child through science with my partner, both working 40 hrs+ a week, bombarded by holidays. Pardon the construction as I turn up the heat, the lint tray should pluck out some good sh*t that's been pillaging my brain.



I know it's been a few days since I last posted, but for good reason, believe me. I have been saddled up next to an ultrasound machine for the past two days, but hopefully two weeks from now on the eighteenth I will have exciting news! Fingers and toes crossed. I don't want to jinx anything, but I think I should be preggo this time or next time for sure.

Oh, and guess what? It just so happens on Wednesday we were trekking in a freaking blizzard. And our house was an ice cube. no joke. We slid sideways out of our damn driveway. The things we do. Oh, well. If it takes, then we could tell the kid the donor was a snowman.

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