Your Guaranteed Invitation to the Lint Ball

All my ideas are balled up in my sweaty palm dangled before the cart. I keep on moving, pretending they'll be used in a future art project or story, until found wasting away in the corner like dust bunnies with carrot breath, consumed but ultimately useless.
Attempting to concieve a child through science with my partner, both working 40 hrs+ a week, bombarded by holidays. Pardon the construction as I turn up the heat, the lint tray should pluck out some good sh*t that's been pillaging my brain.


taking a break...

Okay, so I'm a big liar. I am not keeping up with this blog very well, all due to preggo. I've got a preggo blog going, and since I'm obsessed with finding out if I am pregnant (testing March 21) I'm not much good for anything else.

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