Your Guaranteed Invitation to the Lint Ball

All my ideas are balled up in my sweaty palm dangled before the cart. I keep on moving, pretending they'll be used in a future art project or story, until found wasting away in the corner like dust bunnies with carrot breath, consumed but ultimately useless.
Attempting to concieve a child through science with my partner, both working 40 hrs+ a week, bombarded by holidays. Pardon the construction as I turn up the heat, the lint tray should pluck out some good sh*t that's been pillaging my brain.


#1 Double Love Out of Print

Well, here's the debacle. I thought it wouldn't be too hard to find a new copy to start my reviews, since my mother kindly sold all my childhood books at a garage sale for twenty-five cents apiece. All those hours of babysitting for nothing! Not a store in town carries the Sweet Valley books since they are out of print, and I am wary of Amazon, since two good friends had their credit information stolen from using independent sellers.

I am going on the hunt through my local used bookstores, so I will keep you posted. If any of my kindly readers would like to give me a copy, please contact me and I'd appreciate it! Meanwhile, life has gotten very interesting in the past few days. If you will recall, we were supposed to wait until next month for our appointment with the specialist, but there was a cancellation for today (thank god someone got knocked up!) so we go in today! Yippee!!!

image courtesy of

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