Your Guaranteed Invitation to the Lint Ball

All my ideas are balled up in my sweaty palm dangled before the cart. I keep on moving, pretending they'll be used in a future art project or story, until found wasting away in the corner like dust bunnies with carrot breath, consumed but ultimately useless.
Attempting to concieve a child through science with my partner, both working 40 hrs+ a week, bombarded by holidays. Pardon the construction as I turn up the heat, the lint tray should pluck out some good sh*t that's been pillaging my brain.


Rick Steves Rocks

I just wanted to do a shoutout to my favorite PBS travel show host, Rick Steves. There's nothing particularly gay about the show, but I can still make it gay, because it's not anti-gay. In none of the episodes does Steves shy away from addressing gay tourists or destinations, and he is very neutral about presenting controversial places and histories. For example, in his holiday special, he doesn't shy away from telling the truth about most of our holiday traditions being lifted from the pagans.
On his blog, he has gotten alot of sh*t from folks for this, so I have to give him a positive review. In fact, my partner loves the show so much, I bought a few episodes as gifts. (This gift has already been given, so this post isn't ruining any surprises.
My only wish is that he would do more shows on Northern Europe. That's where we want to go next (Norway... Someday.)

image courtesy of

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